What's the best way to add a search to Fetsi list?
Fetsi can add all kinds of searches to your list. However, it is usually better to add searches from main web site pages (not from generated "results" pages). Then the web page name suggested by Fetsi and the icon for the page are most likely to be what you want.
How can I open a bookmark?
To open a bookmark, press Ctrl-C-C form any application while the bookmark is selected in Fetsi. From the Fetsi window, double-click the bookmark name or press the Enter key.
How can I open a web page added as a search without making search?
Highlight an empty space or spaces in any application and press Ctrl-C-C while the search page is selected in Fetsi. From the Fetsi window, clear text in the Fetsi input field and double-click the web page name in the Fetsi list or press the Enter key.
How can I temporarily disable shortcut keys?
Right-click on the Fetsi title bar, select "Options...", and check the "Disable all Ctrl- key combinations" checkbox.
Can I use radio buttons, checkboxes and other options when adding a search?
Yes, when you are adding a search with Ctrl-A-A, you can select any options such as radio buttons and checkboxes that you want to be associated with the added search. You can also fill text in text boxes other than the one you add (if there are any), and the filled text will be submitted in those textboxes each time you make a search.