What is Fetsi for?

If you search the Internet or just want to have a nice list of bookmarks then you are a Fetsi user.

If you have favorite web pages where you often submit text, such as Yahoo, Google, news, maps, dictionaries, spell-checking, language translations, driving directions, weather, postal package tracking, cooking, stock quotes, shopping, or others, then you are definitely a Fetsi user.

What does Fetsi do?

Fetsi is very easy to use and will start saving you a lot of time soon after you begin using it.

Fetsi stores a list of your favorite web pages and allows you to submit text highlighted in any application on your computer directly to the web pages' input boxes by pressing "Ctrl" - "C" "C" (hold down "Ctrl" and press "C" twice). Fetsi will open your default web browser and show the results of the search. You can switch between web pages that you search by pressing "Ctrl" - Up/Down arrows while working in any application. You can add new searches or bookmarks to your list by pressing "Ctrl" - "A" "A" at the web page open in your web browser. You can also type your search text in the Fetsi input field and press "Enter" or click a web page name in the list to start the search of that web page.

Is Fetsi free?

Yes, it is free.

Does Fetsi show advertisements?


Is my Fetsi going to expire?


Where can I download Fetsi?

Click Download tab in the upper left-hand corner of this page and follow directions.